Kasalehlia! We are the Kihleng family and we are missionaries to the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. This blog is to keep friends and family (and whoever else is interested!) updated on what we are doing in the islands. So check back here often to see updates on our ministry as well as our ever growing family!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Heading Home!

Tomorrow morning! I can't believe after waiting for over 8 months, we're finally going home tomorrow morning! We have a 12 1/2 hour flight ahead of us so we can definitely use your prayers! We're praying for a safe flight and simply just an uneventful flight - without losing anything or anyone this time.

We've had a good time this week with Rickson's brother Bruce and his family as well as other friend here in Hawaii. We've enjoyed some relaxing time as a family, but seriously, we're all, kids included, just ready to get home!

This furlough has been a blessed time for our family and, though it is hard to leave our home and ministry for so long, it was necessary for us at this time. I'm grateful to God to be able to report that our support level has increased on this furlough from 72% when we first arrived in the US to 94%! This is a huge answer to prayer!

Lord willing, next time I update this blog, we will be home on our little island!

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