Yep, I'm finally bringing back the old blog. I realize we need a place we can regularly post updates and photos of what's going on here on Pohnpei.
I'm going to go ahead and include here our most recent update letter, sent out to our mailing lists last week. That should pretty much bring everyone up to date:
Kasalehlia! It’s hard to believe that summer has flown by already and here we are in September! We’ve had an extremely busy, but exciting summer here on Pohnpei.
June started out with many graduation activities for the students who attend our church. We had quite a few graduates this year and are thrilled to see several with plans to pursue training for the ministry. In June we also had a missions team come from the island of Kosrae. This team of young people was such a blessing to all of us at Ambassador Baptist Church. Also in June, Susan started back up with the music lessons to those in our village. She has several piano classes this year as well as a small instrumental class. We look forward to seeing these students use their talents for the Lord.
In July we had the privilege of having some very good friends, John and Christa Boylston, come to the island for a survey trip. They had been praying for some time about coming to work with us in the ministry here on Pohnpei. We had a wonderful time with them here and thank God for the direction He has given them. Please pray for the Boylstons to be able to raise their needed support quickly so that they will soon be able to serve here in the ministry with us. One of the ministries that John will be working with me on is the translation of the Old Testament. As many of you know, this will be a true answer to prayer to finally have the complete Bible in the Pohnpeian language.
August was the month we held our Vacation Bible School this year. We had many children come out for the activities and were excited to see two young people accept Christ as their Savior in addition to other decisions made. Near the end of August I traveled to Guam to speak at the orientation week of the Harvest Baptist Bible Institute and College. As a last minute decision, I ended up taking Kaleo along with me. It was a great time for the two of us to spend together as well as seeing many friends and family there on Guam. It was also a blessing to be there at Harvest again. August is also a month for birthdays in our household. Kestra turned 6 on August 12th and Kaleo turned 10 on August 29th.
While I’m on the topic of family, I’d also like to mention that we have another Kihleng kid on the way! Susan is due to deliver sometime in March. Please pray for a smooth pregnancy and delivery and a healthy baby. She’s struggled through a good bit of the summer with “morning” sickness, which seems to hit worse in the evenings for her. We’ve decided that must be because she is from the east coast where it is morning when it is evening here.
We’d like to give a special thank you to those who have given money toward our land project. The filling of the land has continued through most of the summer and is nearing completion. It’s already given us the needed space for youth activities as well as the VBS activities, but especially will give us the area we need to build our new church building in the future.
We thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. We hope that you all enjoy a blessed fall season there in the States. Please continue to pray for us and our ministry here on Pohnpei. May God bless you.
Because of Calvary,
Rickson, Susan, Kaleo, Kestra, Kyler, & Katrianne