I know! I'm beyond past due for an update!
Well, for the last two weeks of June we were able to take a much needed and long planned for family vacation to Guam! We had a wonderful time! Also, while we were there, we were able to get family photos done (which means we will hopefully soon have an updated prayer card!). I'm gradually getting the pictures done up here on this blog.
July is our busy month. Youth camp was the week before last and it was a huge success. Thank you to those who fervently prayed for this ministry. Over twenty people were saved at the camp this year and we are seeing some wonderful changes in our young people. Please pray that we will see continued growth in these young people and we will be able to disciple them. This week is our VBS! Please pray for a great week with this. We are hoping to see at least 100 children this year in our VBS! And we are adding some extra things to reach the parents as well. I hope to be able to give you some great news about the week!
Our family is doing well and enjoying the summer months off of school. Of course, the new school year is just around the corner and we're already planning for that, but having the time off from the usual routine has definitely been nice! I will continue to add photos as I can. Computer time is limited these days as we are having island wide power outages daily due to most of the generators on island being down. We have had this for a month now and are sure hoping they can get things fixed soon!!!! The power is off daily first thing in the morning until afternoon - our most productive hours and the time we need power most! But we've learned to adapt, though will certainly be glad when they can have things up and running again!