We had a great week of Vacation Bible School last week! We had about 50-65 kids come throughout the week with even many more the final day, though at this time I don't have the exact number we finished the week out with. Our theme this year was Regular Baptist Press's Investigation Destination - Following Clues to the King of Kings. The kids had a great time and we were encouraged to seeing our youth group pitch in to work together to make it a great week. We were excited to see 18 children come to know Christ as their Savior throughout the week! Please pray as we continue to work with these children. It's difficult for us to leave for our upcoming furlough (in just three weeks) with so many great things happening here in the ministry, but we know the Boylston family and others in the church will do a great job of following up with these kids and keeping things running smoothly.
Yes, it is just three weeks till we leave for the USA! It's hard to believe! We are facing many mixed emotions at this time and we do ask that you pray for us - leaving our life and ministry here is a difficult thing to do and it's most difficult for our older children. Saying goodbye to their friends here is tough. And yet we are excited about reporting back to our supporting churches and sharing what God has done here on Pohnpei the past 5 years! Seeing family and friends of course is exciting too!
Youth camp is next week and we also ask prayer for that! Will be giving you updates of that soon!
Enjoy the VBS photos! My sis-in-law, Cindy Welles, took these and we'll be uploading more in the near future as well.