After three days of cancelled flights, delayed flights, rescheduled flights, and re-routed flights, we finally arrived in Charleston, SC on Thursday! That was one of the longest trips we've ever experienced! Thank God, though, for bringing us all here safely!
I had planned on posting more updates the past few weeks, but things just got too busy to barely breathe! It was a bit of a stressful time for our family with youth camp and then all the packing for the trip along with preparing for the Bible Institute to start August 12.
Goodbyes leaving Pohnpei were extremely difficult! It was hard on all of us, but particularly the children. Watching them say goodbye to their friends was heartbreaking! Please keep us all in your prayers as we adjust.
* I want to clarify on the updates here on this blog as I've had some questions. We will continue to do our ministry/family newsletter (prayer letter) every other month as always, but by subscribing to this blog, you will also receive more frequent, less formal updates posted here and sent to your inbox, generally posted by me (Susan). I just wanted to clarify the difference in the types of updates given. :)
Many of you may already know, but I wanted to mention again, that two of our Bible Institute students came along with us to attend Ambassador Baptist College this year. We will be taking them up to NC next week to get settled in the dorms. This was a huge step for them and they are truly attending school on faith! They have worked hard and saved as much as they can for school but will still need financial assistance. These are two young people that we have seen grown in the Lord and have a sincere desire to serve him in full-time Christian service. If you would be interested in helping in any way with their school bill, you may click HERE to donate. Any amount would be of help to them! Their names are Brandy Hadley and Lillyuokalani Yamada. Also, please keep them in your prayers as well as they are dealing with cultural shock! This is their first time to the US and I'm sure you can imagine what a change this is for them!
Thank you for your prayers! I know the upcoming weeks will continue to be difficult times of adjustment for our family. We will begin traveling in September to give updates to churches so be in prayer for that as well.